Identity V Wiki

The Persona Structure refers to the pre-arranged passive traits (known as Talents) a player can possess, which will affect their character's abilities during games. This compass or web-like map of traits is found in the Notebook, under the "Persona" tab.

Talents can be revised at any time between games. There can be multiple saved Talent Pages at any time, up to ten (including "Default") for both Survivor or Hunter, but only one can be equipped at a time for each match.

If you're wondering about what kind of persona build you should use, the performance of certain traits or what situations they can come in handy in, you can refer to the Suggested Persona Traits for Survivors and the Suggested Persona Traits for Hunters pages.

Talent Points

Talent Points are used to unlock different Talents on the Persona Web. Default Points: 120

Obtaining Talent Points

Note: After April 20th 2023 Update, all players don't have to improve Persona Level via battles to obtain Talent points and earn 120 points as Default.

Each Talent Point is earned by completing matches and by doing certain behaviors. During each match, certain actions (categorized into "behaviors") will award Match Points for each behavior, which is tallied and listed at the end of the match. A Victory will multiply your earned Match points by 2.6, while a Draw will multiply it by 2.3.

In the post-match screen, the tallied Match Points will fill a circular bar around each behavior image in a clockwise pattern. Once a bar is filled, +1 Talent Point is added to your account permanently for either the Survivor or Hunter faction.

  • Once 120 Persona/Talent points have been earned for each faction, no more can be acquired, though the post-match screen tallying your match points still remains as Match Points are still converted into Experience as well as counting towards the Logic Path dice and progress.
  • The Max amount of Match Points that can be earned for each behavior is 3,000. If the game is a Victory (multiplying it by 2.6), the bar around the behavior will be filled by approximately 1/8th or 12.5% for Hunters.

Behavior Types

The Instrinsic Persona Webs are split into four behaviors for each compass direction, which also correlate to the name of the behavior during matches. These four types of behavior are also related to marks.

Survivor Behaviors
Image Name Main Contributing Action Max Earned per Match
Tranquility Decoding Cipher Machines 3000
Persistence Escaping from Hunters 3000
Friendliness Healing teammates 3000
Bravery Rescuing teammates 3000
Hunter Behaviors
Image Name Main Contributing Action Max Earned per Match
Tough Hitting Survivors 3000
Vigilance Finding Survivors 3000
Dread (formerly Deterrence) Eliminating Survivors 3000
Deceit Knocking Down Survivor 3000

Persona Structure

Survivor Persona Talents

The following is an interactive map of talents that can be equipped to Survivors. Note that almost all talents are Passive abilties, with only a few Active abilities such as Flywheel Effect.

Press "Expand" to see a text list of Persona Talents for Survivors.

Hunter Persona Talents

The following is an interactive map of passive talents that can be equipped to Hunters. Active traits/talents (sometimes called "Chosen" or "Secondary" traits) are selected through a different menu and are listed here instead.

  • Note that almost all of these talents interact very differently (or may have little to no effect at all) for the Hunter "Undead" due to his unique way of eliminating survivors without using Rocket Chairs.

Press "Expand" to see a text list of Persona Talents for Hunters.

Note: * means that this Persona Talent doesn't affect Undead.

Tough (North)

Deteriorate (Base Talent)

Vigilance (East)

Constrain (Base Talent)

Dread (West)

Deer Hunt

Deceit (South)


Final Talents

Final Talents refer to the relatively strong traits at the furthest end of each web direction. Only 2 out of the 4 can be unlocked within a single web.


  1. Flywheel Effect (Under Tranquility)
  2. Borrowed Time (Under Persistence)
  3. Tide Turner (Under Friendliness)
  4. Knee Jerk Reflex (Under Bravery)


  1. Confined Space (Under Tough)
  2. Trump Card (Under Vigilance)
  3. Insolence (Under Dread)
  4. Detention (Under Deceit)

Change Log

November 15th, 2018
  • The Fetish talent for Hunters was removed and replaced with "Claustrophobia"
July 4th, 2019

May 28th, 2020

  • Adjusted the Survivor Talent name from Bad Example to Herd Mentality.
  • Adjusted the External Trait name from Weak to Haughty.
June 4th, 2020
April 28th, 2022
November 24th, 2022
December 22th, 2022
April 20th, 2023
  • 120 Talent Points is set to Default. Players don't have to improve Persona Level via battle to obtain Talent points.
Unknown Date
  • The Tough Guy talent for Survivors was removed