Identity V Wiki

Life’s journey always ends in a similar way, and, in most people's dreams Aesop Carl is the person who helps them with their final journey. He strictly adheres to procedure and gives the greatest respect for those travelers who have come to their final stop.

Aesop Carl, also known as the Embalmer, is an Assist-Type and Difficulty 1.5 Survivor available for purchase after completion of the prologue. He is one of 43 playable Survivors added to Identity V. He was added due to being a winner of the Designer Five character creation contest.

The end of a journey deserves utmost the respect.

—Aesop Carl (Deduction Star 2020)


Aesop is a tall, thin doll with fair skin, side swept grey hair pulled into a short ponytail, thin grey eyebrows, shiny, small, light grey button eyes cross-stitched with grey thread, and a downturned mouth stitched with white thread at the corners.

He wears a white undershirt, a close-fitting cool grey jacket with white stitching at the cuffs and a white silk handkerchief in the lapel, matching, skinny grey trousers with haphazard white stitching, and black loafers. He wears white surgical gloves, and a white surgical face mask with black stitches covers his nose and mouth. He carries a metal makeup box with padded black leather casing in his right hand.


The Embalmer is an assist-type Survivor who is able to summon a Coffin which can used for rescuing not only himself but his teammates from being downed or chaired by the Hunter and teleport them to the Coffin and grant them invincibility from any damage from the Hunter for 7 seconds in addition to providing Tide Turner's effects, and the number of Coffins can increase whenever he performs a successful rescue, though only one can be used at a time. The Coffin will rescue he himself by default, but he is able to change who to rescue by selecting a teammate and interacting with the Coffin to embalm them instead. He is able to detect the presence of all teammates initially for 15 seconds at the start of the game, but will have his own decoding speed reduced if decoding with a teammate. He possesses the ability to change the tide of a game if he successfully embalms a downed teammate and have the Coffin next to an opened Exit Gate, second floor buildings, and rescue survivors if both Embalmer and his teammates are incapable of rescuing due to being injured or too far.

External Traits

Below is a list of Embalmer's intrinsic traits. For more in-depth information, please check the individual pages.

External Traits
Trait Description
Rebirth is cast on self by default, so players are able to save themselves when they're knocked down or placed on a Rocket Chair.

The Embalmer carries his makeup box everywhere. Opening it will summon a coffin with a surrogate in it and immediately provides the Rebirth ability. When a player with the Rebirth ability is knocked down or placed on a Rocket Chair, the Embalmer will have 3s to make a choice. Selecting "Rebirth Now" will immediately cause the player to enter the Rebirth process. Selecting "Cancel Rebirth" will stop the player from entering the Rebirth process, while retaining the effects and the current Coffin. When no selection is made, the Rebirth process will start by default. The Embalmer can summon a coffin where he stands.

When a Survivor is knocked down or placed on a Rocket Chair, they can be resurrected in that coffin using a surrogate, after which they're invulnerable to damage from the Hunter's normal attacks and most Hunter abilities for 7 seconds and will also receive the Tide Turner's effect for 15 seconds. When the exit gate is opened, using Rebirth will no longer grant the two effects mentioned above. Every time the Embalmer is rescued from a Rocket Chair, the number of coffins that he can summon will increase, but an Embalmer can only summon and use one coffin at the time.

Duo Hunters Mode
After a Survivor with Rebirth is knocked down or put on a Rocket Chair, that Survivor will have 3 seconds to choose whether or not to activate the effect. The Embalmer cannot decide for them.

The Embalmer can record and copy the appearance of other survivors on to surrogates. The survivor whose appearance was copied will receive the Rebirth ability. Once the Embalmer finishes copying their appearance, he will lose his own Rebirth.
The time that the Embalmer can persist for when wrapped up in a cocoon or placed on a Rocket Chair is increased by 10%[5]. The Embalmer cannot embalm Survivors who have lost mobility, who have been placed on a Rocket Chair several times, or who have been placed on a Rocket Chair for a long time.[6]
Extremely sensitive to the presence of others. He is able to detect the presence of all survivors at the beginning of the game for 15 seconds. While deciphering with other survivors, his own deciphering speed is decreased by 15%.

Abilities in other Gamemodes

Embalmer Ability Changes in Other Game Modes
Modes Change
Duo Hunters No change
Blackjack Embalmer can get 1 Coffin every round, and enter the resurrection process after being knocked down. After returning to alive, he will not get the effect of being immune to damage for 7 seconds.
Embalmer can't receive the Tide Turner effect after Rebirth.
Tarot Normal Placing the coffin will grant ally King Rebirth by default, and no more than 1 coffin can exist at a time.
Crystal Ball Mode The Embalmer's surrogate is set to all teammates by default. After activating the Crystal Ball's power, it grants the Embalmer an additional use of his Makeup Box (you can only have one unused Makeup Box and one placed Coffin at any time during a match). Once resurrection is confirmed, the countdown for a Survivor's resurrection is reduced to 4 seconds. Rebirth can only be used on the King once and does not increase their Rocket Chair progress.

Character Statistics

Press "Expand" to see the character's statistics.

  • Running Speed: 3.8 m/s
  • Walking Speed: 2.11 m/s
  • Crouch Walking Speed: 1.14 m/s
  • Crawling Speed: 0.44 m/s
  • Duration of decoding Cipher Machines: 81.0 sec
  • Regressed decoding progress from electric shock: 1.0%
  • Duration of inability to decode from electric shock: 2.0 sec
  • Time spent opening Exit Gate: 18.0 sec
  • Time spent dropping pallets: 0.73 sec
  • Time spent vaulting over pallets at high speed: 1.17 sec
  • Time spent vaulting over pallets at medium speed: 1.67 sec
  • Time spent vaulting over pallets at low speed: 2.07 sec
  • Time spent vaulting over windows at high speed: 0.87 sec
  • Time spent vaulting over windows at low speed: 1.27 sec
  • Time spent going through chests: 10.0 sec
  • Time spent healing injured Survivors: 15.0 sec
  • Time spent being healed by others: 15.0 sec
  • Self-healing time after knockdown: 30.0 sec
  • Duration of footprint: 4.0 sec
  • Duration of speed boost after being hit: 2.0 sec
  • Duration of struggle while being held up: 16.0 sec
  • Rocket Chair countdown time: 66.67 sec
  • Time spent being rescued from Rocket Chairs: 1.0 sec

Character Design

The Embalmer was one of the winners of the 2018 character contest, along with Postman and Painter.

NetEase Character Notes

Translated from original Chinese posts [7]

2018 Character Competition

Reasons for selection

This is a design that most people should have heard about already, since it is the most popular, and is our favorite as well. The design passed almost immediately. What attracted us to him is his unique identity — his connection with the dead. The first impression of his nature and secrets are inseparable from tragedy (of others).

On the one hand, his core ability "Embalm" provides the same tactical change of remote rescue as another new survivor. On the other hand, the built-in damage risk effect also makes the ability balanced. Incorrect usage may give the Hunter an opportunity to make a comeback. However, we still feel that the effect of this skill will be relatively strong, so in subsequent revisions, we may focus on how to provide Hunters with effective countermeasures to balance the benefits in the game.

It is worth mentioning that: The all-in-one weakened version (not immune to damage, can be healed, but will automatically fall to the ground after a period of time) is also an idea that we have considered to increase the performance benefits for Hunters. However, because we later had other designs, this idea was let go, and this role can just verify the feasibility of this idea.

Press "Expand" to see the original Chinese text.

【选案理由】 2018-06-11 [8]


2018 Character Release

Press "Expand" to see notes from the release announcement.

Between life and death, everything is solemn. NetEase's first asymmetric competitive mobile game "Identity V" will bring all players a new Survivor, "Embalmer" Aesop Carl. This character who stood out in the designer competition was designed by the player "@一oO妖怪Oo一(Weibo ID)". Not only does he have an amazing appearance, but he can also help his teammates return to life by virtue of his powerful "embalming" skills.

Man of send-offs[9]: Step into the manor to fulfill the final wish.

The 21-year-old "Embalmer", Aesop Carl, prefers to be alone, and hates contact with living people, preferring to be close to the deceased. This is the fundamental reason why he engages in his profession. For those who have passed away, the end of the journey of life is always the same, and Aesop Carl has become the last person in many people's dreams. He strictly abides by every step of the procedure and pays the utmost respect to these passengers arriving at their final stop. So when Carl found the letter on the beautiful traveler with a mystery, he decided to step into the mysterious manor and fulfill the last wish for this unfortunate mother.

Rescue master: Special skills to reverse the situation

In terms of skill introduction, the role of the Embalmer in "Identity V" is clear: He is an indispensable assistant to the whole team. With the "make-up mastery" skill, the Embalmer can perform remote rescues, which can reduce the risk of rescuing to a certain extent. However, it should be noted that when the Embalmer is deciphering with others, his deciphering speed is reduced by 15%, and he lacks the ability to protect himself. Hunters need to rely on Broken Window Theory and basic skills. In general, the Embalmer is a survivor who needs a lot of awareness, and is suitable for players with a certain basic foundation.

Super high value, super strong! Invite friends to experience the new "Identity V" Survivor: Embalmer. Personally rescue every teammate, and create the most tacit ace group!

Press "Expand" to see the original Chinese text.

附容返生 《第五人格》全新求生者入殓师震撼来袭!

2018-12-06 [10]


送终之人 踏入庄园完成遗愿


救援高手 特殊技能逆转战局



Original Creator's Notes

Translated from original Chinese posts

  • Name: Aesop Carl
  • Traits: Withdrawal, persistence, professionalism, curiosity
  • Occupation: Embalmer
  • Character introduction: The end of the journey of life is always the same, and Aesop Carl is definitely the last person most people dream of. He strictly abides by every step of the procedure and pays the utmost respect to these passengers who arrive at this destination. Therefore, when he found the letter carried by the beautiful and mysterious traveler, Aesop decided to fulfill the last wish of this unfortunate mother.
  • Class of birth: Middle class
  • Age: 21 years old
  • Birthday: May 11
  • Interests: Being alone
  • Good at: Funerals
  • Hates: Living people
  • Likes: The deceased
  • Voice: Low and magnetic young male voice, speaking slowly

Press "Expand" to see the original Chinese text.













  • (The following was written by the original creator of his design, it is unknown how much of this is canon as his deduction targets seem to contradict it):
    • " On August 7th, 1888, I ushered in a female body stabbed 39 times. She lay there, her body in a state beyond recognition. I opened my suitcase, the tool I rely on to survive, for “he” can make the dead return to life. I worked hard to fix her face; perhaps, she was once a beautiful and wealthy woman. I searched through her pocket, and an invitation as well as a letter tumbled out. The letter seemed to be for her daughter and contained a photo. Probably, following this invitation, she could find her daughter. I don't know why, but I decided to accept the invitation as my own. I decided to head towards the manor myself, to return this letter to her daughter." [11]

Press "Expand" to see the original Chinese text.

    • " 1888年8月7日,我迎来的一具女性的尸体,她被刺39刀,面目全非的躺着。我打开了我的箱子,这是我赖以生存的工具,他能让死者重回生前的模样。我努力的恢复者她的面容,她生前可能也是一位美丽富有的女性吧。我摸索着她的口袋,一张邀请函和一封信跌落出来,信似乎是给她女儿的,并付了一张照片,大概,跟着这邀请函就能找到她女儿吧。不知道什么原因,我决定前往这个庄园,把这封信还给她的女儿。"

Original Backstory

Note: This is translated from the backstory written by Aesop's creator, and may contradict with his deductions.

"From when I was adopted from the orphanage, I began working with my adoptive father in the funeral parlor. My adoptive father was an embalmer, someone who concealed and dressed deceased to mimic their appearances when alive. Every day, I’d see my adoptive father in contact with the deceased, as if he himself was no longer afraid of death.

He told me that some of the deceased in this world could not identify their own departures, and we were the guides for those people. In the beginning, I believed that these talking deceased were alive, but gradually, as father spoke to those “deceased”, they also agreed with him; that they were already dead. Therefore, I firmly believe that only death is honest. To demonstrate to them and help them recognize the truth, to aid them in accepting death; that is what we must do.

The day I became of age, my adoptive father received an invitation. I didn’t know who had sent it, or its contents. To my surprise, he abandoned both the funeral parlor and I and left. He said that he felt a strong scent of death coming from there, perhaps something to challenge his skills. So he left, leaving the funeral parlor to me.

Ten degrees Celsius, hydrogen bromide, all prepared for those “corpses” who refuse to accept death. My adoptive father said that this will help relax their muscles and maintain a perfect state to embrace death. I skillfully practice this on a regular basis, and help my “deceased” deeply understand that death is the only truth.

That day, I received a different “corpse”; one I could actually recognize - my adoptive father. The certificate of death the hospital provided noted that he died due to falling from a high place, and wounds opened by sharp objects covered his body. How strange.

My adoptive father didn’t want to admit he was already dead. How could the adoptive father who once explained these principles to me make a mistake only “deceased” would? I felt sorrow for my adoptive father, for did I truly have to teach him the easy concept he once taught me?

Like the way he would correct the mistakes of other “deceased”, I injected medicine to help him relax into his veins and turned down the temperature. Soon, he fell into a deep sleep. A relaxed state such as this was perfect for me to embalm him!

A month after, it was his funeral; a funeral with no other attendees. My adoptive father never had any close acquaintances, and therefore there was nobody else there to perform his send-off. I think my presence alone was enough for his funeral. I wanted to help my adoptive father accept his own death faster, a departure with dignity.

Despite the fact that my adoptive father took longer than I anticipated to agree to embracing death, luckily, he relented before the date of his funeral. Even though there was nobody else present, still I prepared a luxurious funeral for him as my final act of respect for my adoptive father, in hope of him being able to enjoy such gifts in heaven.

As usual, I stayed in the funeral parlor every day, embalming “the deceased”, avoiding too much communication with others, living my ordinary life.

Until, the day I saw the invitation letter of that woman - the exact same patterned envelope the invitation my adoptive father had left for. Finally, I was able to experience the scent of death that my adoptive father had been so attracted to; he led me to the manor, to find me a new “deceased person”."

Press "Expand" to see the original Chinese text.


Original Concept External Traits

  • Embalm = The Embalmer carries a large wooden box with him. After long pressing the accumulator to select a place, he can move the box from his back and insert it in the ground. After placing the box, he can start putting makeup on the person in the box. The make-up process can be interrupted at any time, and there will be a period of time after the interruption that he cannot use his ability again. When he finishes applying the makeup, the survivor who was originally in the chair will recover and walk out of the box. After 30s, the survivor will enter the first-order injury state. After 15s, the survivor will be injured again. If the survivor is treated during this period, they will enter the first-order injury, otherwise they will become incapacitated.
  • Social fear = When there are teammates near the Embalmer, the speed of deciphering and opening the door is reduced by 20%, and the speed of healing and being healed is reduced by 30%
  • Indifferent to life and death = The time that the Embalmer can stay on the rocket chair or in the spider silk cocoon is increased by 20%

Press "Expand" to see the original Chinese text.


  • 入殓:入殓师随身携带一只大木箱,长按蓄力选定地点后,可将背上的箱子插入地下一部分,并开始对箱中人化妆,化妆过程中可随时被打断,打断后会有一段时间无法再次化妆。化妆结束后,原本在椅上的求生者将恢复健康,从箱内走出,30S后求生者会进入一阶受伤状态,15S后求生者再次受到一次伤害,若此期间得到治疗则进入一阶受伤,否则倒地。
  • 社交恐惧:入殓师附近有队友存在时,破译速度及开门速度降低20%,治疗速度与被治疗速度降低30%
  • 看淡生死:入殓师在狂欢之椅上和蛛丝茧内坚持的时间增加20%

Concept / Design Notes[13]


At first, I only wanted to design a character who could save people from a distance, so I thought of three potential options: a professional soul guide, a linker, and an embalmer. After careful consideration, I chose the embalmer. In order to break people's stereotyped image of the middle-aged and old, gloomy and weird, the image of young people is adopted. In order to highlight the characteristics of the character, a braid is added. Two versions of clothing (black suit and white overalls) embody professional dignity. Considering that the overalls are inconvenient for running, the previous version was finally selected. Due to being in contact with the dead for a long time, he was not good at communicating with the living, and had a mild social phobia.

  • The design prototype of the Embalmer comes from the player —o0妖怪0o—

Change Log

December 27th, 2018
  • Addition: Embalmer is now obtainable from the Illusion Hall.
  • Addition: Embalmer is now available in Ranked Matches.
December 3rd, 2020
  • Buff: Added an effect to the Rebirth trait: When a Survivor with Rebirth is knocked down, the Embalmer can choose to resurrect them. The resurrection of a Survivor who's been knocked down will be counted as if the Survivor has been put on a Rocket Chair once (for the Painter, his Rocket Chair progress will increase by 50% and will count as having been put on a Rocket Chair once). Survivors with Rocket Chair progress over 50% can't be resurrected when they're knocked down.
  • Buff: Tapping the ability button again after the Embalmer has placed the coffin will transport the coffin to the player's location.
  • Nerf: When the exit gate is activated, resurrection will no longer come with the Tide Turner effect.
  • Nerf: When the exit gate is opened, the coffin can't be placed on the inside of the exit gate.
  • Nerf: Once the Embalmer has escaped from the manor, coffins in the scene will be removed.
December 2nd, 2021
  • Buff: The time required for the Embalmer to summon a coffin is reduced from 5 seconds to 2.5 seconds. The time required for a Survivor to come out of a coffin is reduced from 1.5 seconds to 1 second. The maximum distance for the Embalmer to memorize a teammate's face is adjusted from 12.7 meters to 21.9 meters.
  • Buff: New Rebirth effect: Survivors won't take damage from the Hunter's normal attacks and abilities for 7 seconds after Rebirth. They can no longer receive this effect once the exit gate has been activated.
May 31st, 2023
  • Adjustment: When an Embalmer is Resurrected from another Embalmer's Coffin, Rebirth will be given to him without having to apply makeup for himself if he has already placed a Coffin in the scene without applying makeup.


  • His favorite flowers are yellow roses. These are the flowers surrounding his mother's grave.
  • The Embalmer was one of the winners of the 2018 character contest, along with Postman and Painter.
    • In development his creator originally intended to name him 'Aesop Nigel' as so he wouldn't share a name with another contest entry of the character design competition, "The Fallen Angel", but his name was later changed to 'Aesop Carl' by the developers after his victory against the other entry.[14]
      • The two were often confused together by the fans due to their similar appearances during the contest period, and the other Carl's original contest entry Weibo post was deleted as the creator of the other Carl was suspected of vote manipulation. However, copies of their character design remain online.[15][16]
  • He appears in all three episodes of the stage play series produced in Japan. He was played by Hirai Yuki. He is one of the featured characters in the first episode, alongside Joseph. His Exorcist costume appears in the comedy special performances of all episodes.
  • According to the Official Identity V Museum he is 177 cm tall (5'9).[17]


  1. Original design document
  2. Official Reference Books
  3. Emotes voice actor, same with Prospector
  4. Appearances Listed Down Below:
  5. 66 seconds as opposed to the default 60 seconds, or 33 seconds before half as opposed to the default 30 seconds
  6. Survivors who are ballooned or already on a Chair, Survivors who are have been on the Rocket Chair twice already, or Survivors who were rescued after half on their first chair
  7. All translations on this page have been done by wiki contributors unless otherwise specified
  8. Contest winners announcement - Weibo (Embalmer section)
  9. "Send-off" in Chinese is a term that refers specifically to handling the funeral affairs of a senior member of the family, usually one's own parents
  10. Embalmer character release notes - News Center
  12. Contest winners announcement - Weibo (Embalmer section)
  13. Design notes of characters are from the first volume of the Official Art Reference Book.
  14. Weibo post by creator: "P1 Character Introduction; Originally he was named Aesop Carl, but to avoid sharing a name with a fallen angel, I renamed him Aesop Nigel"
  15. Post announcing "Fallen Angel Carl" as a winner, before the votes were checked
  16. Post with "Fallen Angel Carl's" original traits
  17. As seen in screenshots from the Identity V Museum - Twitter


Character Navigation
DEFAULT NavLuckyGuy NavDoctor NavLawyer NavThief NavGardener
Lucky Guy
(Season 0)
(Season 0)
(Season 0)
(Season 0)
(Season 0)
SEASON 1 NavMagician NavExplorer NavMercenary NavCoordinator NavMechanic
(Season 1)
(Season 1)
(Season 1)
(Season 1)
(Season 1)
NavForward NavTME NavPriestess NavPerfumer -
(Season 1)
The Mind's Eye
(Season 1)
(Season 1)
(Season 1)
NavCowboy NavDancer NavSeer NavEmbalmer
(Season 2)
Female Dancer
(Season 2)
(Season 3)
(Season 3)
NavProspector NavEnchantress NavWildling NavAcrobat NavFirstOfficer
(Season 5)
(Season 5)
(Season 6)
(Season 6)
First Officer
(Season 7)
NavBarmaid NavPostman NavGravekeeper NavPrisoner NavEntomologist
(Season 8)
(Season 9)
Grave Keeper
(Season 10)
(Season 10)
(Season 11)
NavPainter NavBatter NavToyMerchant NavPsychologist NavPatient
(Season 13)
(Season 14)
Toy Merchant
(Season 16)
(Season 17)
(Season 17)
NavNovelist NavLittleGirl NavWeepingClown NavProfessor NavAntiquarian
(Season 18)
"Little Girl"
(Season 18)
Weeping Clown
(Season 19)
(Season 21)
(Season 22)
NavComposer NavJournalist NavAeroplanist NavCheerleader NavPuppeteer
(Season 24)
(Season 26)
(Season 27)
(Season 28)
(Season 30)
BlankDialoguePortrait -
Fire Investigator
(Season 31)
DEFAULT NavHellEmber -
Hell Ember
(Season 0)
NavSmileyFace NavGamekeeper NavRipper NavSoulWeaver NavGeisha
Smiley Face
(Season 1)
(Season 1)
The Ripper
(Season 1)
Soul Weaver
(Season 1)
(Season 1)
NavFeaster NavWuChang NavPhotographer NavMadEyes NavDreamWitch
The Feaster
(Season 1)
Wu Chang
(Season 2)
(Season 2)
Mad Eyes
(Season 3)
Dream Witch
(Season 4)
NavAxeBoy NavReptilian NavBloodyQueen NavGuard26 NavDisciple
Axe Boy
(Season 5)
Evil Reptilian
(Season 6)
Bloody Queen
(Season 7)
Guard 26
(Season 8)
(Season 9)
NavViolinist NavSculptor NavUndead NavBreakingWheel NavNaiad
(Season 11)
(Season 12)
(Season 13)
Breaking Wheel
(Season 15)
(Season 16)
NavWaxArtist NavNightmare NavClerk NavHermit NavNightWatch
Wax Artist
(Season 18)
(Season 18)
(Season 20)
(Season 22)
Night Watch
(Season 25)
NavOperaSinger NavFoolsGold NavTheShadow -
Opera Singer
(Season 27)
"Fool's Gold"
(Season 29)
The Shadow
(Season 31)
Novelist"Nightmare" Smiley FaceWeeping Clown Evil ReptilianProfessor
"Little Girl"Journalist Prospector"Fool's Gold" -
and many others...
Graveyard Girl
Stranger 1
Stranger B
Embalmer Navigation
Embalmer Embalmer/Lore Embalmer/Cosmetics Embalmer/Gallery
Tool External Traits
Coffin and Makeup Box EmbalmArtistUnconcernedAnxious
S-Tier (Gold) ExorcistPhoenix
A-Tier (Purple/Silver) "Blindspot"FOX"Gatto"HamletHippocampusNormanToru AmuroTricksterWatchmanYusuke Kitagawa
B-Tier (Blue) BankerBanquet ButlerCall BellCroupierDualityHonored GuestMan in DreamMusic MasterRorschach PhysicianVervain
C-Tier (Green) OriginalWorn ClothesBloody GarmentCasual YellowSolemn White
S-Tier (Gold) "Not Fragile"Remains of Yellow Roses
A-Tier (Purple/Silver) Holy SwordMidnight EmissaryRazor
B-Tier (Blue) FOX's KatanaMandala OrigamiP7M8Paper Cup PhoneSilver CombStar Stone
Other Customizations
GraffitiEmotesStandby Motions